
Hero Story - Business


Five Apps for Increasing Your Productivity

Some days, accomplishing all of your goals could seem impossible, due to a full schedule or a heavy workload. Whether you're looking to get more done each day or simply increase your efficiency, these apps will take your productivity game to new heights.

Be a Cultural Chameleon

Adapting your style to the norms of another culture isn't being inauthentic—it's just smart business.

Are You Guilty? Put People Before Texting

Dear Friends,

Texting is addictive. No doubt about it. It can ruin a relationship if you're not careful. I'm not talking about the message you send. I'm talking about being RUDE.

The Survey Shouldn’t Be the Last Thing the Customer Remembers About You

I'm all for getting customer feedback. There are different ways to go about it. Ask customers on the way out of a store, call them on a phone or send follow-up surveys via email.

Who You Know Is How You Grow

If you have been a reader of my blog for a while, you know that I often speak about collaboration and partnering. The tourism industry is unique in that we often partner with competitors to bring business in. There is even a term for it: Co-opetition. But your success is directly related to how many people you know in the industry.

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