
Hero Story - Business



Time-Saving Blog Secrets

When you sit down to write a blog post, does it suddenly feel like the blank screen is looming large and your mind has drawn a blank?

How to Avoid Zoom Fatigue

It's no secret: Zoom has become a regular player in our lives. This newer, popular way to communicate "face-to-face" has been used in a variety of ways, whether it's for a work meeting, virtual happy hour with friends, or otherwise.


5 Tips for Great Customer Service While Working Remotely

Dear Friends,

My guess is we've all "worked" remotely at some time. Just not all the time. Hey, some of us work while on vacation. (That's REAL REMOTE.) Which brings me to the point of this short blog and fun video.

Fly My Group Provides Rebooking Solution for Individual Travelers

Like many, Fly My Group was geared up for a busy travel season before having to slam on the breaks, pivot and shift gears in response to COVID-19.

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