
Hero Story - Business


Women in Leadership: It's Time to Close the Gap.

"It's time to stop talking. It's time to take action. We need to start today!" These are the words of Becky Puckett-Wood, managing director at Experis. While women makeup more then 50 percent of the global workforce, less than 25 percent of these women hold senior management roles.

5 Whys and Hows of Motivation (for Success)

Motivated individuals rise to the top. Motivation doesn't just happen: It is an intentional act taken by the most successful members of our society. Michelle Steffes, Certified Coach/Business Consultant/Speaker/Trainer at IPV Consulting has put together what she refers to as the 5 Whys and 5 Hows of Motivation (for Success).

Salary Talk: A Touchy Subject

Do you know how much your co-workers make? How about your friends? Money isn't always the easiest thing to discuss, and when you add in workplace dynamics, it only gets trickier.

The Travel App Hit List

Apps, apps and more apps! These little helpers have become part of our everyday lives. Whenever a question pops into my head, I immediately think, "There must be an app for that." Happily, when it comes to planning group travel, there is! Whether you are looking to book a flight, reserve a hotel room, grab a bite to eat, combat homesickness, organize your travel reward points or simply talk with the locals, travel apps have you covered.


9 Qualities of Truly Confident People

First things first: Confidence is not bravado, or swagger, or an overt pretense of bravery. Confidence is not some bold or brash air of self-belief directed at others. Confidence is quiet; it's a natural expression of ability, expertise and self-regard.

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