
Hero Story - Business



When Customers Cancel

In the travel arena, the expression "the best laid plans" applies all too frequently. Turmoil in many parts of the world has led some travelers to express reservation about their upcoming trips. While you can't change how your clients react to real, perceived or possibly inflated threats, you can better manage the ripple effect these changes could cause.

Idiosyncrasies at Home

Before your travelers venture outside of the U.S. border, chances are they've done a little research. They've looked into the customs and cultures of the countries they are visiting, they've learned what is considered "rude" in these foreign lands—basically, they've done their homework. Groups Today Editorial Director Amy L Charles ponders whether travelers take these steps when traveling domestically.

Trade Show Follow-Up

How do you plan to keep in touch with people you met at your last conference or trade show? With the conference season in full swing, it's time to strategize how to make the most of your networking and trade show time and effort. These tips and tactics will be useful after your conference to continue growing your relationships.

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone: Grow Your Business

It sounds easy enough to go out and connect with others; in reality, you may be stuck inside searching for networking ideas. These suggestions could help you enjoy the networking process while growing your group travel business.

E-mail Signatures: A Thing of the Past?

Are e-mail signatures a thing of the past? guest blogger Haley Osborne answers that question with an emphatic, "No!" She says your e-mail signature is essentially your electronic business card. Proper e-mail signatures contain important information—they tell people how to reach you, what your website is and provide information for their electronic address book. Absent this signature, you forgo an important point of contact for your business.

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