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Do You Use Your Vacation Days? If You Don't, You're Not Alone.

According to the new Project: Time Off white paper report Groundhog Day Every Day: America's Repeating Vacation Problem, we are a nation of worker bees. Project: Time Off wanted to know why Americans forgo their vacation days—and whether this decision impacts business success, happiness and personal relationships. It also suggested ways to get America vacationing again.

Get Inspired! Submit Your 2016 Most Influential Women Nominations

Again this year, Groups Today magazine recognizes the Most Influential Women in Group Travel. The 2016 nomination period has begun! Tell us about the women you believe are at the top of the group travel market. Click here to access the 2016 nomination form. The winners will be featured in the upcoming print edition of Groups Today magazine. Read on for a brief look at some of the previous winning women.

The Implications of Shrinking Travel and Tour Groups

"Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes." Who knew David Bowie's famous song "Changes" would apply to the group travel industry? None of us are truly immune from change. As such, we must all adapt to stay relevant and successful.

Seven Things Workplace Millennials Should Know

Many articles have been floating around the Interwebs about millennials in the workplace, as they are in and hovering on the edge of becoming part of the professional world. Working with millennials isn't the nag many people believe it to be—if you address the issues that are generationally attributed head on, honestly and with respect.

Be a Mentor (Not a Tormentor) with Your Newer Service Staff

I was asked to be on an executive panel for service and support professionals for an annual event. One of the more animated discussions focused on ways to best integrate young service staff into the workforce.

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