
Hero Story - Business


How Sweet it Is!

Chocolatourism: A Decadent New Niche

People have been traveling the world for fine wine, beer, food, and other diversions for years. Why not chocolate?

Leading the Way

Empowering young workers to present themselves well

This spring, at a presentation by a guest lecturer on a local college campus, I noticed that many students—although an attentive audience—were dressed as though they'd just rolled out of bed, sporting slippers, flannel pants, old sweatshirts, baseball caps, and hair in messy ponytails.


Prepare for a Crisis: Beforehand

Accidents are inevitable within the motorcoach industry. It's not if, but when your company will be involved in one—and you must be prepared.

Silver is Gold

Hiring and retaining older adults is good business.

The value of the older worker is clearly evident. In today's workplace, human capital is the most valuable capital a company possesses. With the knowledge and expertise that older workers offer, attracting and retaining mature, experienced employees will be critical to staying competitive.

Pinterest for Your Business: A Valuable Marketing Resource

Pinterest is a popular place to collect recipes, decorating ideas, and fashion tips. But if that's all you're using it for—or you're not using it at all—you're missing out on a valuable marketing resource.

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