
Hero Story - Business



TikTok Trends to Know for 2023

Among the several social media platforms taking center stage in our world today, TikTok continues to dominate in both influencing user behavior and purchasing habits, as well as leveraging business exposure in a whole new way.


FOMU: The Fear of Messing Up

You have most likely heard people use the expression FOMO, an acronym for Fear of Missing Out. People have a hard time deciding what to do or where to go and worry about missing out on a fun experience, a business opportunity, and more.


The Dos and Don'ts of Being an Effective Manager

Many of us have experienced varying career changes recently. Perhaps you've stepped into a management role for the first time, or are dealing with unprecedented challenges. Either way, great managers are key to companies striving for growth, especially at this particular moment in time.


Increase Your Email Open Rate Using These Tips

Are you having trouble retaining engaged subscribers or struggling to get subscribers to open your emails?

Perhaps you thought that since they subscribed to your emails that maintaining a high open rate would be effortless. It probably seemed hard enough to get those subscribers, but now starts the challenge of creating emails that subscribers want to open. Keep these three tips in mind to increase your email open rate, clean up your data and avoid spam complaints.


CEO of the Moment

The Awesome Responsibility is a concept I came up with a number of years ago. It describes the role an employee has when interacting with a customer. In that moment, one person in the company represents everything about the company. When people walk away from doing business with a company, they will often say things like, "I enjoy doing business with them," or, "They are so helpful."

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