
Hero Story - Business



Is Student Travel Right for Your Business?

People across all industries are setting their sights on expanding their businesses or pivoting to offer something new to match our ever-changing world. Group travel professionals are no exception! One such area of expansion worth considering is student travel, as the market is seeing fast-moving recovery and schools and educators are itching to get students back out on the road.


The Client Break Up: When to Recognize It’s Time to Move On

As difficult as it may sometimes be, there are times when you simply have to draw a line in the sand when it comes to ending a client relationship.

Whether the parting of ways is mutual, born out of a misalignment of expectations or otherwise, it's never a pleasant step to have to take. Thinking about breaking up with a client? Here are some considerations that could help inform your next steps.


The Difference Between Good and Great

If you had to have surgery, would you rather go to the most skilled surgeon or the nicest surgeon?

I was at a party the other night and someone I met shared his opinion of the difference between a good doctor and a great doctor. A good doctor makes you well. A great doctor makes you well and calls you the next day to see how you're doing.


Answer the Question the Right Way

Sometimes a customer asks a question, and then either doesn't understand or like the answer. And sometimes, it's more than just a misunderstanding or a breakdown in communication. Maybe it's because the employee doesn't want to take the time to answer the question correctly. Or sometimes employees are asked the same question so many times that they get sick and tired of customers asking, and it shows in the way they respond and act.


Closing the Sale

Half of the battle when it comes to selling is finding the right client and getting the conversation started. But just because you've climbed that hill doesn't mean there isn't a taller mountain to climb just beyond the horizon. Sometimes once-eager potential clients begin to have second thoughts, display unsure body language, or—perish the thought—ghost you completely. To get some insight on closing the sale, we tapped the expertise of our own sales team here at Groups Today.

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