
Hero Story - Profiles



Influencers of Group Travel: Claudia Menezes

Everyone has that one person in their circle; that trusted individual you can go to for informed guidance, sage advice, valuable experience and more. That person who never fails to bring fresh ideas to the table and challenges what has always been in order to build something better.

In the group travel industry, these are the leaders who have risen to the surface as folks who are always willing to try new things, bolster innovation within the industry, drive others in a positive direction, and are recognizable among group travel professionals as someone who can be relied upon.

We asked our readers to share who among their industry peers should be recognized for their efforts in this realm. Those who were selected to be among the 2022 Influencers of Group Travel were featured in a recent issue of Groups Today. Keep reading to get to know them!



Claudia Menezes
Vice President and Owner | GoPegasus

Born in Brazil to a family of trailblazers in the travel industry, Claudia Menezes was exposed to the world of travel at a young age and her passion for the industry has only grown since. She has spent over 30 years founding and managing various tour companies, and has held the position of Vice President and Owner of GoPegasus alongside her husband since 2001.

Menezes is always looking for opportunities for innovation and, with her team, strives to push the boundaries to offer new ideas and experiences for groups, including a newly-launched program: Art on Wheels.

"The idea came from the fact that we have groups who are constantly on social media while loading into the buses," Menezes explained. "We thought, 'what if we make our buses into moving instagrammable walls of art?' The program has been a huge hit already and features one-of-a-kind works of art from local artists in partnership with United Arts, Orlando City Soccer, and more to come. This is just one of the ways that we look to constantly add to the overall experience. It's the little things that often make the biggest impact."

For Menezes, being part of the travel industry means coming in with passion—something she and her team do well.

"Everything we do at GoPegasus stems from this passion to bring someone's travel dreams to a realization," she said. "That's why we have worked hard to become the best at what we do; to truly build a company and brand recognized for exceptional guest service. At the end of the day, when someone is booking with us, we strive to be synonymous with loyalty, integrity and every experience we build for a group is centered around this."

While there have been many lessons along the way, Menezes believes that every challenge is simply an opportunity in disguise.

"This is the way we tackle each and every task and have stayed authentic to who we are while steadily building a successful business," she said. "To have others look to our success story is truly a dream come true. We know that if we do it right, it's not about instant reward but building a solid foundation and the benefit will come later."

When it comes to what others can do to be influencers in their own group travel circles, Menezes says it's all about networking.

"We've been incredibly active in the community since inception of the company and have found there's an opportunity in almost every business we come in contact with. It's not always about the bottom line," Menezes explains. "The majority of the time, we've found that the more value added through amazing community partners that we include for our groups, the better the overall experience. When you do good work and provide a solid foundation of service—especially when including your community partners—the business will come."

Like everyone, Menezes is looking forward to the rebound of the travel market in the wake of COVID-19. She acknowledges, however, how the pandemic provided an opportunity for a reset and the chance to reflect on what could be improved and how.

"We need to understand the power that we have as the travel industry and involve partners in all areas of the community to help showcase how travel can benefit everyone in any segment," she said. "We have to remind ourselves that our industry is one of the largest and we are ambassadors for change, global acceptance, and the preservation of culture by showcasing new experiences to groups everywhere from around the globe.

"We are an industry that is so essential in the world right now—our message is one of peace, enjoyment and happiness, and it's our job to continue to celebrate each other by exposing new people to new exciting experiences every day."

To read more about the rest of the 2022 Influencers of Group Travel, click here.

Written by Sarah Suydam, Managing Editor for Groups Today.



Influencers of Group Travel: Melea Hames

Everyone has that one person in their circle; that trusted individual you can go to for informed guidance, sage advice, valuable experience and more. That person who never fails to bring fresh ideas to the table and challenges what has always been in order to build something better.

In the group travel industry, these are the leaders who have risen to the surface as folks who are always willing to try new things, bolster innovation within the industry, drive others in a positive direction, and are recognizable among group travel professionals as someone who can be relied upon.

We asked our readers to share who among their industry peers should be recognized for their efforts in this realm. Those who were selected to be among the 2022 Influencers of Group Travel were featured in a recent issue of Groups Today. Keep reading to get to know them!



Melea Hames
Social Media Manager | Alabama Mountain Lakes Tourist Association

A social media manager in the tourism industry for 12 years at Alabama Mountain Lakes Tourist Association (AMLA), Melea Hames uses social media to build connections and engage travelers and those in the industry. She brings fresh ideas to the forefront through the creation of compelling social content and blog posts, in addition to coordinating the North Alabama Ambassador Program and speaking at various events about social media.

Hames recently became the host of AMLA's new podcast, "Unexpected Adventures in North Alabama," which highlights all the places in the region people might not know about yet. During the early days of the pandemic, Hames also created a series of "When Business Returns to Usual" blog posts focused on the different areas in the northern Alabama region.

"I feel that these blogs resonated with people because it gave them something to look forward to," Hames said.

Just last year, Hames created her very own social media marketing agency with a friend called M and M Social. She loves to write, travel, walk in the park (she walked over 600 miles in 2020), go to Auburn games and read books about WWII.

With a background in education, Hames thinks it's important to share what you're doing in your businesses with your friends and colleagues.

"On our business pages, we're reaching our visitors and locals, but our friends and colleagues can be a valuable resource for us, as well," Hames said. "And your friends and colleagues are your biggest cheerleaders, so share what you're doing to inspire others in your circle. It's an honor that others in the travel industry look to me for guidance and assurance. The one thing I tried most to focus on during the beginning of the pandemic was hope, because I felt that was what people wanted most of all."

Hames hopes to continue to influence the group travel sphere by providing great social media content—road trips to take, outdoor activities, travel tips, etc.—which can hopefully inspire others.

As the industry moves forward and further into recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, Hames says education on treating the outdoors with respect is key.

"One issue we had during the beginning of the pandemic was an abundance of newcomers to the outdoors, which created a problem with many of our outdoor locations being 'loved to death,'" Hames said.

She explains how the increased amount of trash left outdoors led the organization to partner with Leave No Trace to help educate those new to the outdoors on the importance of being good stewards of nature.

"I would love to see more of this type of education for our visitors and locals," she said. "Sure, we want people to get outdoors, but we also want everyone doing their part to protect these beautiful outdoor spaces."

To read more about the rest of the 2022 Influencers of Group Travel, click here.

Written by Sarah Suydam, Managing Editor for Groups Today.



Jerry Varner: It’s All About How Travel Makes You Feel

Jerry Varner, Owner of Making Memories Tours, started his company from scratch in late 2009 after going on a bus trip to Utah and Colorado with an antique car club group and feeling inspired. Prior to that trip, Varner had no travel industry experience.


Influencers of Group Travel: Shanterria Earley

Everyone has that one person in their circle; that trusted individual you can go to for informed guidance, sage advice, valuable experience and more. That person who never fails to bring fresh ideas to the table and challenges what has always been in order to build something better.

In the group travel industry, these are the leaders who have risen to the surface as folks who are always willing to try new things, bolster innovation within the industry, drive others in a positive direction, and are recognizable among group travel professionals as someone who can be relied upon.

We asked our readers to share who among their industry peers should be recognized for their efforts in this realm. Those who were selected to be among the 2022 Influencers of Group Travel were featured in a recent issue of Groups Today



Shanterria Earley
Founder & CEO | Travel Divas®

With over 14 years of travel industry experience, Shanterria Earley's purpose is to create "remember the time" experiences for Black women who want to expand their horizons, treat themselves to the gift of travel and experience the finest the rest of the globe has to offer.

Earley, who is also the Co-Owner of Travel Success Academy®, paved her own way in the travel industry and built a business that generates seven figures annually. She spends her days mentoring those up-and-coming in the industry, sharing the secrets she's learned along the way to the top. Being recognized as an industry influencer means everything to Earley.

"When I was working my way up in this business, I reached out to those who were already experiencing success for help and I soon realized this industry wasn't as welcoming as I thought," she said, noting she wants to change that narrative. "I worked long and hard to get to where I am today and don't want to keep the secret to my success ... a secret! It fills me up that I can be for others the person I needed when I was starting out. There's more than enough work for all of us, and I love to share success with all travel professionals. I fully believe that we are better together."

Earley hopes to continue to influence the group travel industry moving forward by working to cultivate a culture of excellence and honor.

"In my Facebook Community, we keep one another accountable, we celebrate our wins, we share trade secrets and best practices, we push each other to the next level," she said. "Ultimately, I hope to influence others through leading by example. My aim is to show those in this industry a better way."

According to Earley, simply showing up is an easy way that others in the industry can influence those in their own personal spheres.

"The best thing we can do within our communities and circles is notice one another and be there for each other," Earley said. "Really listen when we ask someone, 'How are you doing?' Everyone is facing something; everyone is striving and wanting to be better. The best thing we can do is show up with an open heart and be willing to share our own wins and losses to help the whole community learn and grow."

When it comes to looking forward into the future, Earley is eager to see travel become a more normalized part of everyone's budgeting practices.

"We were placed on this earth, and I believe we should all put a priority on seeing and experiencing all it has to offer," she explained. "We should be teaching our kids the importance of being immersed in other cultures. We should not view travel as a luxury for the elite, but rather raise one another up to see that with a little diligence, we can all have access to beautiful memories made through travel."

To read more about the rest of the 2022 Influencers of Group Travel, click here.

Written by Sarah Suydam, Managing Editor for Groups Today.



Influencers of Group Travel: Greg Dotson

Everyone has that one person in their circle; that trusted individual you can go to for informed guidance, sage advice, valuable experience and more. That person who never fails to bring fresh ideas to the table and challenges what has always been in order to build something better.

In the group travel industry, these are the leaders who have risen to the surface as folks who are always willing to try new things, bolster innovation within the industry, drive others in a positive direction, and are recognizable among group travel professionals as someone who can be relied upon.

We asked our readers to share who among their industry peers should be recognized for their efforts in this realm. Those who were selected to be among the 2022 Influencers of Group Travel were featured in a recent issue of Groups Today. Keep reading to get to know them!



Greg Dotson
Manager, Group Sales | Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts

An experienced sales and marketing professional, Greg Dotson is passionate about the arts and bringing that magic to groups of all kinds. He has served in many different roles throughout his career, including valuable experiences in multiple areas of the tour & travel industry, which have led him to where he is today at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts.

"Before arriving at the arts center, I spent many years as a cast member at Walt Disney World, performing and managing shows in the theme parks and beyond," Dotson said. "I gained experience as a student tour operator planning group travel at Kaleidoscope Adventures. I represented attractions throughout North America as the National Sales Manager for Merlin Entertainments. And, most recently, found more ways to culture as a third-party ticket reseller with Tiqets."

We asked Dotson how it felt to be someone folks in the industry could turn to for guidance and reassurance.

"It makes me feel great—it makes me feel like I have gained their confidence over the years, and I think a lot of that comes from the experience that I've had in all the different categories of the group travel industry," Dotson explained, noting that he's able to pull from his diverse experiences to inform his position with the Dr. Phillips Center. "It means the world to me that people feel comfortable reaching out to me for any type of guidance regarding group travel."

Dotson sees the immense value in volunteering and community involvement, demonstrated by his service on the Board of Directors for SYTA and on the Foundation for Orange County Public Schools (OCPS), where he helps produce the single largest fundraiser for the arts and raises money to support students experiencing homelessness and poverty within the district.

"Social media and staying connected online is a simple way those in our industry can influence others in their own communities and circles," said Dotson, emphasizing the focus on positivity—not negativity. "We must learn to communicate in ways that are different than we did before, continue evolving and growing as the industry does. The group travel industry is getting younger and younger, so it's vital we learn to market to audiences in the way they'll understand and appreciate the information."

Dotson also believes that any opportunity you can find to volunteer is a valuable way to give back to the community.

"I will often volunteer at industry trade shows in New Member Orientation to answer questions and to make them feel more comfortable," he said.

When it comes to the future, Dotson says the industry at large must continue to educate others about the importance, value and necessity of group travel.

"A degree in hospitality is only valuable when you can apply your knowledge to industry experience," he said. "There is coursework available through the Student & Youth Travel Association where you can learn the essentials of student travel and the American Bus Association is regularly updating and sharing industry tips that can be applied to any type of business."

Dotson hopes to continue influencing the group travel sphere through education.

"When I first started at the Dr. Phillips Center, and similar to when I've worked at other places, I spent time talking to our front of house colleagues—our guest services representatives, security, valet parking—to give them an understanding of what my role is, what my needs are and how we can help each other," Dotson said. "I encourage those in our industry to spend time doing that because that will not only help others understand the importance and value of group sales, but also continue building relationships and trust within your company which is essential to growing within your role."

To read more about the rest of the 2022 Influencers of Group Travel, click here.

Written by Sarah Suydam, Managing Editor for Groups Today.


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