
Hero Story - Profiles



Effective Connections, Beyond the Latest Trends

When Justin Osbon worked as an intern to get through college, his current job really found him more than he found it. Image Tours is a three-generation family-owned company, and Justin has become a part of the family through his years of personal growth and thirst for learning.

On a daily basis, Justin is a sales manager, managing and working with travel agents in the company’s marketing and sales programs. Through his job at Image, he and the team have found a progressive way to reach their clients—through direct mail. Even though it seems the industry is being told to move away from direct mail, Image Tours is moving toward it. Why? Justin says its because nowadays, everyone is inundated with hundreds—if not thousands—of e-mails each day. 

Although Justin has learned a lot of interesting and useful things within his job to market to groups looking to travel, one thing has stuck with him since his first day: No matter how young you are, it is crucial to make connections and learn from those who are at the top of the industry.

Justin advises anyone looking to gain experience to join associations such as NTA and ABA and become involved in their leadership teams, nominating themselves to be on committees, volunteer at conventions, and get in the same room with people in leadership positions to learn from them.

“You learn more from people in those leadership positions,” Justin said. “I don’t know it all, but I know that someone else has done what I’m going to do. They’ve already walked a mile in those shoes. 

“There are really good and sincere people in this industry—real people helping other people make their dreams come true.”

Justin Osbon was nominated as one of the Top Ten Next Gens in the January 2014 issue of Groups Today magazine. Click here to learn more about the Top Ten, and stay tuned to our website for more in-depth profiles on these innovative people in the group travel industry.

Know a group travel professional making an impact on the industry with a fresh, progressive perspective? Nominate him or her for 2017's Top 10 Next Gen here 

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