The doors have virtually opened to Brand USA's new game-changing digital platform: The Brand USA Global Marketplace.
The holidays are quickly approaching and much like the rest of 2020, travel trends and behaviors have been more different than could ever have been predicted the year before.
Now more than ever, it's clear the travel industry requires relief—especially when new data indicates that by December, 50% of all travel-supported jobs will be lost: an equivalent of 1.3 million jobs.
The growth of technology and the events of 2020 have only accelerated change in travel education. To create more effective learning environments, educators and organization executives must stay abreast of the latest changes and key factors affecting education. Here are the five most important developments and trends.
Much remains uncertain in a COVID-19 world, including travelers' opinions about venturing out into the world like they used to. The most recent Longwoods International tracking study of American travelers sheds light on the latest information.