
Hero Story - Destinations



Readers' Choice 2015: Eastern Destinations

Broadway, shopping, sports, history, art ... the reasons to visit New York are never-ending, and the ways to experience the city are ever-evolving.

Themed tours of the different boroughs, architectural sites, art museums, historic theatres, types of food and dozens of other subjects are available, as are as many modes of transportation to see the city—train, bus, ferry, hansom cab and more. The newly opened observation deck at One World Trade Center offers breathtaking views of the city and the opportunity to reflect on the events of 9/11, as does the September 11 Memorial and Museum.

Whether your group's visit is themed by patriotic destinations, theater, religion, baseball, shopping, ethnicity, history or other topics, New York's museums, galleries, restaurants, performance halls and numerous other venues—along with behind the scenes tours and knowledgeable guides—will provide a thrilling, varied itinerary for visitors.


Boston, Massachusetts
Washington, D.C.
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Photo courtesy of Gray Line Sight Seeing.



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