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Using Your Email List to Improve Social Ad Audiences

Which came first—the chicken or the egg? Growing your email list and social fan base are a bit like the classic chicken and egg conundrum. You really can't do one without the other! Savvy marketers know that a healthy social fan base is a wealth of potential new emails for your list. But let's take a closer look at switching things up and using your email list to grow your fan base.



Did you know? You can show Facebook ads to people on your email list. By uploading your email list to your Facebook Business Manager account, you can create an ad audience of those people!

When creating ad audiences in Business Manager, choose Custom Audience < Customer List.


Once you upload a .csv of your client email list, Facebook automatically matches up your list with Facebook users email addresses and builds the ad audience for you.

But wait, there's more. You can also create a look alike audience from your original email list. This look alike audience will have some of the same attributes as your original list and may provide you with an audience that will also be interested in your services. You must have Business Manager set up to access this feature. If you need help setting this up, check out this helpful guide—or this one!

For example, when you upload your entire client list to Facebook and create an ad audience, then you have the opportunity to show ads to these "super fans" of yours. Combine that with your traditional marketing, email marketing and an online event, and you've increased your marketing touchpoints with only a few key strokes!

Tune below for five more ways to grow your social ad audiences:

The bottom line: Growing your email list will also help your social ads get seen by the right people. Go ahead, get creative and watch your email list and business grow!

CatherineHeeg HeadshotUpdateWritten by Catherine Heeg, an international speaker and trainer who focuses on social media marketing strategies for the tourism and hospitality industry. Join the conversation and connect with her at and socially.


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