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Social Strategies to Leave Behind in 2017

And 2017 is here! The new year is a great time to set new goals and vow to banish bad old habits.

Keeping up with social marketing trends, tactics and travails is hard enough. Why not spend your time where you'll get more value—and let some other things go?

Leaving these old beliefs behind will give you more time to be more brilliant and effective.

1. Size doesn't matter. Image sizing could make a huge difference in how many "likes" and "shares" your content receives—and as we know, a share is worth many more eyeballs than a "like" or no action at all.

2. Video isn't for us. Denying video importance is a common mistake—and you'll want to banish it as soon as possible. The popularity, extra reach and engagement you'll get from video is unbelievable. If you want to conquer video, read more.

3. More strategies and tactics to ditch in 2017.

Social marketing is relationship building and brand awareness at its finest. Keeping the "social" in social marketing is the foundation of a successful strategy.

What will you keep in your strategy in 2017? Which will you banish?

CatherineHeegWritten by Catherine Heeg, an international speaker and trainer who focuses on social media marketing strategies for the tourism and hospitality industry. Join the conversation and connect with her at and socially.




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