
Hero Story - Business


Need More Butts in Seats?

Do you ever wonder how to get more people to come out to your consumer events?

Do you ever wonder how to create even more buzz around your next group tour?

Wonder no more! Social marketing provides a wealth of simple, underutilized ways to market. While many marketers rely solely on advertising, let's explore some underused secret gems to fill your tours and events.

Creating buzz and building ticket sales are essential, whether you're hosting a consumer event to promote your newest tour or looking to boost attendance at a concert or festival. Let's look at some buzz-building tactics.

  1. Facebook Events is a powerful tool unused by so many. By simply filling in a template you can create a marketing tool that can be used to invite individuals and as the basis for an ad. Here's how to create your next event. Add some money and a target audience to reach more eyeballs.

  2. Cover Image. A perfect (and underutilized) tool to showcase your tours, events and festivals.

  3. Shareable Graphics. Grab attention with your video and visuals and earn those coveted likes, comments and shares. While image sizes are different for each platform, here's a cheat sheet to ensure the right image size for maximum impact.

Buzz Building = More Butts in Seats!

Where will you start?

Catherine Heeg, International speaker & trainer, focuses on social media marketing strategies for the tourism and hospitality industry. Join the conversation and connect with her at and socially.

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