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The Power and Versatility of Online Content

In this day and age, sharing information with millions of people is as easy as the click of your mouse. But not all information is good, or “share”-worthy. So, how will you guarantee your content is good enough to be “liked” and “shared?”

 Content is King
True success in social media starts with content. And unless you have good, strong, authentic content, you’re wasting your time and won’t be able to get the traction that you really want or need.  It all starts with the content you post on your website. When you’re coming up with content, keep in mind that you will be using it across different social channelsall of which need to continue the story you started on your website and directtraffic back to it. The goal is to use photos, tags, keywords, videos, and small blocks of text to get your messages out onthe social channels, roll them into blog posts, and direct readers back to content on your web page

In the travel industry, destinations are generally the same in what they offer: great attractions, theme parks, shows, nature, dining, and hotels. What makes your destination different? What makes it unique? This is the kind of content you need to research and produce, because that’s what will make people want to choose your destination over another. 

Don’t sound like a marketing firm in your written content. Social media has become the norm for finding information on places, people, and things, and your readers don’t want to hear marketing jargon when it comes to finding out what yourdestination offers. Social media has become more personable (not less) in the sense that readers and followers want to know if the person on the other side of the screen really cares about them and what they want. Making your content sound less like a marketing pitch and more like a personable post will gain more readers who are more likely to “share” and “like” your content.

Written by: Chelsea Stoskopf 
Source: Brian V. Matson, strategist and client services manager for Think Social Media, previously worked for a DMO and is a lover of all things techie. He is also passionate about capturing authentic experiences via social channels.


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