
Hero Story - Business


Go Behind the Scenes to Understand Your Social Fans

"Business has only two functions—marketing and innovation."
―Peter Drucker

But how do you market to people you don't know? How do you know what innovations to provide if you don't know your audience?

In this crazy time of sheltering in place and social distancing, you may have some extra time on your hands. How about digging into some often overlooked, behind-the-scenes analytics that will help your future marketing efforts?

Understanding your unique audience—or even an avatar of your perfect audience—is key to growing your business. Did you know you can use the secrets of social media to uncover all kinds of details about your fans and followers? Let's look at the amazing level of info you can tease out of your social analytics to help you know your audience, so you can create what they'll love.

How would you like to know what interests your page fans? Do they love to read Condé Nast Traveler or People magazine? Are they fans of particular travel websites or have they expressed an interest in an event published on Facebook?

Imagine what you can do armed with this knowledge. You could tailor your tours to meet the needs of your existing fan base. It's as if you're reading their minds! They'll love to see a new tour from you that's tailor-made.

Do you ever wonder if your fan base is made up of doctors, dentists, lawyers, plumbers or salespeople? Digging deeper into your Audience Insights will allow you to find job titles of your fans. What a powerful way to better understand the tone of voice and style of posts that will appeal to your audience. Fascinating, right?

You'll find all this information in your own Ads Manager account. Simply navigate it with this process:

Ads Manager Account > All Tools > Plan > Audience Insights

PRO TIP: Do you wonder how your fans relate to your ads? Do they hit the mark ... Or fall short? Once you know your score, you can create ads that resonate with your fans and you'll be closer to innovative marketing success. Plus, you'll have a clearer understanding of your fans' interests. Now there's a way to get a handle on your ad relevance—with a score! Tune in:

Diving into these details will help you be innovative and realize the functions of Peter Drucker's quote above—once this COVID-19 crisis is in the rearview mirror.

"The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer."
―Peter Drucker

CatherineHeeg-HeadshotUpdateWritten by Catherine Heeg, an international speaker and trainer who focuses on social media marketing strategies for the tourism and hospitality industry. Join the conversation and connect with her at and socially.

Headshot courtesy of Catherine Heeg.


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