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Get Results with These Four Advanced Social Ad Tests

Is advertising socially really worth it? Ads can be time-consuming to create and can eat away at your budget. I'll let Henry Ford field this question:

"Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time."

Wise man! Now, let's explore your options if your current social advertising campaign isn't bringing in the desired results.

Ads Not Bringing Results?

If your ads aren't working for you, stop advertising! Don't actually stop—simply stop advertising in the same way. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Don't go insane with your social advertising; simply change your methods.

We can no longer expect people to pick up the phone after seeing a newspaper ad in the travel section. Today, we get to be more creative!

Here are four tips to tweak your ads:

1. Reconsider your expectations. Don't expect to sell something immediately to a cold audience. Build relationships with brand awareness ads, informative content and a personal touch.

2. Don't make the same mistake I made. Tweak this one thing and you'll see a change.

3. Ensure your ads speak to your audience. Having the right content but the wrong target audience is a recipe for failure. Align your message so it speaks to the right audience. Simple adjustments to the words, tone, and style can make all the difference between appealing to a boomer versus a millennial.

4. Test, test and test again. Wouldn't you love to know which graphic will appeal to which audience? I'll bet you'd love to know what words in your ad text will have more impact. Split testing and dynamic ads do the heavy lifting for you. Here's how to set up your split test.

How many ad audiences can you have? Tune in below for a quick answer:

Don't let social advertising get you down. Stick with these tips and you will start seeing noticeable results. To borrow one last quote:

"Never stop testing and your advertising will never stop improving." —David Ogilvy

CatherineHeeg-HeadshotUpdateWritten by Catherine Heeg, an international speaker and trainer who focuses on social media marketing strategies for the tourism and hospitality industry. Join the conversation and connect with her at and socially.

Courtesy of Catherine Heeg.



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