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Be Adventurous!

If you're a group travel supplier, you should remember that you have so many niche markets to consider getting involved with. There’s military, religious, social, fraternal, multigenerational, sports, and reunions, just to name a few. It’s natural to want to try any and all of these to grow your market—but it’s important to know the viability and the true definition of the market.

Once you do, you will know whether or not the market is right for you. So, here’s some background on another emerging market. Take a look, and decide if you’re interested in being a bit more adventurous.

Adventure travel is an $89 billion market. The size of the industry doubled between 1997 and 2007. Clearly, travelers today are interested in doing new things for the first time. But if you’re reading this and your first thought is “adventure travel isn’t for me,” think again. 

The word “adventure” could scare people off. So, consider the words “transformational experiences.” You don’t have to be a Mt. Kilimanjaro or have white water rapids in your backyard to provide these types of experiences. What you do need is the ability to provide your visitors with something new that gives them a transformational experience. Take an existing itinerary and ad some flair! Create a “walkabout” for an existing itinerary, versus a hike. Create “escapes” for visitors. Provide “exclusive adventures.”

Adventure travelers are loyal and looking for authenticity. Flexibility is key, and giving them a sense of well-being is important. Many people will travel as individuals to experience an adventure. They are looking for like-mindedness and creating a strong connection.   

Still not sure if adventure travel is right for you? Experiment. Take your most popular itinerary or tour, embed an adventure component to it, and see how it goes. You just might find that your clients are ready for some new adventures. 

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